Mortgage Affordability Calculator
30 September 2022
LTV Changed from 60% to 55%
TDSR Changed from 3.5% to 4%
Want to know if you can afford your DREAM HOME?
Use our mortgage affordability calculator to see how much loan you can take according to TDSR
Maximum Loan Eligibility Calculator (TDSR)
Affordability Calculator
Find out the maximum amount you can loan and what you can afford to buy. Affordability Calculator is based on private residential property.
Mortgage Affordability Calculator Tutorial
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The mortgage affordability calculator only calculates how much loan you can borrow from the bank based on Total Debt Servicing Ratio (TDSR) framework by MAS. TDSR is based on 55% of your income with a loan tenure of (65-age) and at 3.5% interest rate. Do take note that this may not reflect the amount you can borrow from the bank for a property as there is a second formula. The Loan-to-Value Ratio. You can only take up to a maximum of 75% loan of a property. The remaining 25% has to be paid using cash or CPF. Eg. although according to TDSR you can borrow $1.5m from the bank, however if you purchase a $1m property, you can only take a maximum loan of $750,000. To find out the monthly mortgage, you have to use our second calculator Click here for our mortgage calculator.